Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I've Missed You!!!

Oh, my darlings, how I have missed you!

I've been traveling far too long...and as you all can's taken a huge toll on my body.  Naturally, I managed to pick up an ear infection and despite the ZPac my doctor called in, it's gotten worse, and again I sit with an ear, sinus, chest infection.  At this point, it becomes nothing but funny.  If we can't laugh at ourselves, what do we have, my friends?

That said, I first attended a Best Woman, naturally...not that any of you are surprised, I'm sure.  I met some very interesting people in the bridal party, on my side, and the bride's...including the drunkest bridesmaid I have ever seen.  It would be rude to tell the story here...but feel free to contact me about it.  The wedding itself was amazing, held in PAFA, the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts.  The ceremony was held on the landing of a beautiful staircase...that's right kids, the groom "forgot" to tell me that we'd enter and exit down a spectacular (read:  terrifying), the girl who has balance included in her physical therapy, in 5' Loubs!!!  I can't say that I was graceful, but I didn't fall...and for that, I am beyond proud of myself!  The guests watched the ceremony from a gallery above and I can only imagine how, gorgeous doesn't do it justice...breathtaking the ceremony must have looked from the gallery.  The reception was held in a separate, large gallery and was simply spectacular.

From there DH and I were off to Daddy's house to rest (and eat cheesesteaks) until J had to leave the following night.  After a second night of rest, Daddy drove me to one of my besties for a sleepover, giggles.  Let me translate that into grown-up...Father drove me to one of my oldest and dearest friends for a nice long visit.  I FINALLY got to meet her son and husband and am positively in love...with her son.  LOL!  We had nearly 2 weeks to catch up and I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed it.  Sadly, it was somewhere between the wedding and my visit with them that my infection began.  The skyline from her stoop included the Freedom Tower and every time I went outside, I had to catch my breath.  Driving to and from her house, was a beautiful and up-close and personal view of Lady Liberty.  Daddy picked me up and drove me back to his house.  At this point the infection had really taken hold and I missed seeing so many of the friends I had hoped to see.

One day I was feeling a bit better and was able to meet a friend from HS for cocktails.  We had a terrific time catching up and, as he works at the official NFL Films, he invited DH and I for tour when DH returned to NJ.  It was AMAZING!!!  I could have spent a week just taking in the halls!  He also managed to get me a tremendous donation for the fundraiser for which I remained in town.  It was the Queen of Hearts Annual Aloha Fundraiser...but you already know about that as I go on and on about it.  

By the way, I'm looking for donations for our fall fundraiser....Coach Bingo!

It was the QoH 10th Anniversary fundraiser and went sooooo well.  A big thanks to all who donated.  2 days later we were headed home to learn just how much worse the infection had gotten and tho I had fun, grateful to be home.

So now you have the short version...I'm back...and as you can imagine, my next post will be about the Navy SEAL who wrote the book and gave a 60 Minutes interview.

I've missed you darlings!