It's still hard to believe, that 3 short years ago, she was healthy as a...well, she might get mad if I call her a horse...but you get the idea. What a difference a year makes. In 2010, Heather was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. In her own words:
"I have cancer but cancer doesn't have me. That is the mantra I have been living my life for the past two years. In 2010, at the age of 37, I was diagnosed with Stage III Breast cancer. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy, chemo and radiation that summer. I sat in the chemo chair, bald and always wearing my Phillies hat. If I couldn't get out of bed, I wore a Phillies shirt. I bleed Red, not just any Red, Phillies Red. In Feb 2011, we found out that I had two large tumors the size of honeydew melons in my abdomen. In May of last year, I had a total abdominal hysterectomy, where we found that the cancer had spread and was now Stage IV. I can't let this bring me down. A PET scan in July 2011, found more tumors in my adrenals and Kidneys. A new drug is keeping them at bay and so far, they haven't grown any larger. The Phillies fighting spirit has kept me through each hurdle. If I have a lot of pain, I keep my next home game as my goal to get out of bed and keep moving. I keep thinking of Tug- You Gotta Believe. I believe in myself and my family and my doctors. I am going to rally in the 9th and knock this out of the park!! A new Phillies season begins and I have another PET scan in May. Its time to tie up the laces, and get out my bat, step up to the plate and give this cancer a ride right on the sweet spot. I have cancer but cancer doesn't have me."
The Phillies are looking for an Honorary Bat Girl for Mother's Day...a Breast Cancer Survivor. Heather is so much more than just a "Survivor." She is a fab wife...lucky amazing mother...lucky Alex...and a Phantastic Phriend...lucky ME!!! (Hey, look!!! I found a way to make it about me!!! SCORE!!!) I don't know anyone who is more deserving than Heather to be recognized on the field of Citizens Bank Part!
Here's where you come in...PLEASE follow this link and vote for HNH911!!! as often as you can and tweet/blog/facebook this link!!! Let's show a wonderful woman, one that I count myself lucky to call friend, that we care and support her and Breast Cancer Survivors everywhere!!!
Thanks so much!!!